All available older started puppies are priced individual. please contact me if you are interested in one of these babies
Pearl is a 6 year old black lab. She is 99% house trained. The only reason she is only 99 is if she gets any people food it will upset her tummy and she has an accident, other wise she would be 100%. she is very good with kids. She is excellent with most other dogs and is good with most animals however she does like to kill rabbits ;o(. However that seems to be the only thing. She is a bit skittish so would not make a good hunting dog but an excellent indoor family pet. She is 100% crate trained she is great in the house. She is leash trained comes when called and sits. Very very sweet girl
Sky is very sweet girl. She is definitely more of an alpha girl. she is bouncy and more "serious" Sky is 9 months old and is starting her first week of basic training. Price will go up as training continues $1000
Daisy is a very sweet bouncy girl. She is always the first one to greet you and wants to be with you. She is very smart. he is very beautiful. We struggle to get great pictures of her do to nothing fazes her. Daisy is 8 months old and is starting her first week of basic training.Price will go up as training continues$1000
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